вторник, 25 января 2022 г.


Please Find Rates Below
SSE's strategy has addressing the challenge of climate change at its heart and its focus on core businesses of economically-regulated electricity networks and renewable electricity generation, allows it to realise the opportunities presented by the transition to net zero.

Following SSE's Green Bond Framework, SSE has developed a Sustainable Linked Bond Framework under which it can issue Sustainability Linked Bonds to complement SSE's Green Bond funding programme and fit in well within its sustainable finance strategy. Sustainability Linked Bonds should allow SSE to link its sustainability performance with its business strategy and contribute to achieve not only its future goals but also its vision to become a leading energy provider in a net-zero world.


SSE's 2021 Sustainability Linked Bond Framework:

DNV's 2021 Opinion on SSE's Sustainability Linked Bond Framework:

SSE issued its fourth green bond of £500m in March 2021. This, in addition to SSE's inaugural €600m Green Bond issued in September 2017 followed by a €650m Green Bond in September 2018 and £350m Green Bond in September 2019, means SSE continues to be the largest issuer of Green Bonds in the UK corporate sector (Please see rates below).

2.25% Fixed Rate
ISIN: XS2057092236
Minimum Investment - £25,000.00
Joint Account Allowed
Full FSCS Protection
Minimum Hold - 12 Months


2.25% Fixed Rate
ISIN: XS2057092236
Minimum Investment - £25,000.00
Joint Account Allowed
Full FSCS Protection
Minimum Hold - 12 Months


3.74% Fixed Rate
ISIN: XS2195190876
Minimum Investment - £50,000.00
Joint Account Allowed
Full FSCS Protection
Minimum Hold - 12 Months


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