среда, 1 мая 2024 г.

Track visibility by keywords, pages, groups and competitors


To win first positions in Google, you must understand who you are competing with and how Google determines the winners.

Rank Tracker helps you complete these tasks.

1. Add keywords for tracking

Enter a prepared list of keywords or find new keywords using suggestions. Note, that you can track the same keywords on multiple search engines, locations and devices.

Also, try to add target URLs for keywords. It will help you filter keywords more easily and detect issues when the wrong URL is ranked by a keyword.

2. Launch keyword SERP analysis

Compare your landing page rankings with competitors' rankings. Pay attention to the types of sites that are in the top 10 and carefully research their type of content.

By understanding what type of content Google ranks highest for a specific keyword, you can understand how you should adapt your page to rank higher for this keyword.

3. Monitor visibility changes on a higher level using Pages and Groups

By using keyword-only analysis, you may miss the big picture. Switch to tap Pages to check visibility trends on the landing page level. You also can expand each landing page row to view rankings for all keywords under this page.

And the same is applicable to landing pages. If you have landing pages with similar type of content, you should analyze the overall visibility of the big groups of landing pages.

Switch to tab Groups to do that. Note, that you also can expand the group row and view visibility of all landing pages under a specific group.

4. Compare your overall progress with competitor's progress

Track your competitors' visibility trends for all keywords for which you track your rankings.

Pay attention to sudden increases in visibility and research competitors' strategies to find low-hanging fruits for your SEO strategy.

5. Measure the impact of Google updates and your work done on rankings

All Google updates are automatically added to the charts.

You only need to add the important changes you make in design, content, internal linking, and attracting backlinks as custom notes to get a comprehensive picture of how certain changes led to an increase or decrease in ratings.

Need help to collect the most valuable keywords for tracking?

Request a demo

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