вторник, 30 апреля 2024 г.

Reduce the risk of losing Google search traffic 👀


Working on websites is usually a team effort.

And the main risk lies in miscommunication. Here are some popular cases that lead to problems on the sites that lead to a drop in traffic.

  • 1 The developer deployed an updated website design, and forgot to remove the noindex tag from the pages, since this was not mentioned in the task. So, Google deleted from its index the landing pages that generate 30% of revenue.
  • 2 The SEO specialist added a plugin for creating local versions of pages and did not notice that the plugin automatically created local versions for all existing pages and Google indexed them.
  • 3 The developer of the WordPress site forgot to turn off the automatic updating of the theme, plugins, and WordPress version, which led to the breakdown of the front-end after the automatic update.

These are just the most popular among dozens of stories from our clients, for whom Sitechecker saved tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars quickly identifying and alerting about the issues.

Here is what the customers say:

Read case study

Read case study

Here is a simple 3-step instruction on how to avoid traffic loss due to human errors using the Sitechecker.

1. Make sure you choose the desired monitoring frequency in the project settings.

Usually, the more traffic and content changes the website has the more often it should be monitored for changes.

Note, that on Premium plan you can launch monitoring via webhook. Our customers implement it to check websites automatically after releasing a new version.

2. Choose all events you would like to be notified about via email or Slack.

Note, that when you invite the teammates to the project, they will have their own notification settings for each project they have access to.

So every user can get different notifications for the same project.

3. Review the event log in Site Monitoring from time to time for anomalies in content changes.

Sitechecker sends you alerts about critical issues. However, some content changes cannot be reliably attributed to errors.

Therefore, it is important to manually review which pages have been added and removed and how the content on them has changed to determine whether this corresponds to the planned changes or whether it is an error.

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