понедельник, 3 апреля 2023 г.

Новости от Политнавигатор за последний час

Политнавигатор за последний час опубликовал:

03.04.2023 @ 16:08
Mosiychuk: The authorities launched an information wave to hide the heaviest losses of the Ukrainian army in Bakhmut
https://www.politnavigator.net/mosijjchuk-vlast-zapustila-informacionnuyu-volnu-chtoby-skryt-tyazhelejjshie-poteri-vsu-v-bakhmute.html Russian soldiers took the center of Bakhmut and put up a tricolor with a mention of Vladlen Tatarsky over the city administration. The Ukrainian Army continue controlling the western part of the city, therefore, judging by the experience of Soledar, Kiev will refuse to recognize the loss of the settlement until the last. The previous day the [...]

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