27.05.2023 @ 21:47
No one will rebuild Ukraine

Ukraine’s neighbors have taken away Ukrainian specialists and are already looking for school graduates. This will lead to the fact that in five years there will be no one to rebuild the country. This was stated by economic expert Yuri Gavrilechko, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”. People are trying to disperse to neighboring countries and not only [...]
27.05.2023 @ 21:42
Ukrainian army admits Russians are fighting for key routes to further advance

The Russian army has not lost its offensive potential and continues to be a formidable opponent. This was stated by Pavel Petrichenko, an aerial reconnaissance officer of the 59th brigade of the AFU, reports the correspondent of PolitNavigator. He noted that the most intense hostilities are taking place in the area of the highways. This is Pervomayskoye, [...]
27.05.2023 @ 21:35
Zelensky's office responded to Western media: We're not going to swallow any bitter pills

Ukraine is not negotiating a cease-fire solely because of President Vladimir Zelensky’s intransigent position. This was stated by the deputy head of the office of the President of Ukraine Alexei Kuleba, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”. The publication noted that the parliamentary elections can be held on time only on the basis of a truce, which the [...]
27.05.2023 @ 21:19
В столице Румынии молодежь провела пикет против поставок оружия на Украину

В столице Румынии молодежь провела пикет против поставок оружия на Украину, обвиняя НАТО в развязывании конфликта в бывшей советской республике, грозящего спровоцировать Третью мировую. Молдавское издание Dimineata обращает внимание, что манифестанты вышли на протест возле обелиска, который был установлен в честь американских солдат, в годы Второй мировой войны боровшихся вместе с союзниками против нацизма. Правда, по [...]
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