пятница, 3 мая 2024 г.

Your logo, you domain name, your email: this is a real white label


Sitechecker offers a unique option to place the entire app on your own domain name and use your own logo at every stage of communication with the leads and customers.

Visit Agency Solutions to start setting up a full white label.

The most popular implementation option is using a separate subdomain on your agency website.

If you run a website youragencyname.com, create a subdomain with a name like one of these:

  • 📍 seo.youragencyname.com
  • 📍 reports.youragencyname.com
  • 📍 app.youragencyname.com
  • 📍 dashboard.youragencyname.com

Here is an example of the login page for every customer who will visit your app after white label is set up.

However, you also can use a partial white-label, setting up the app on sitechecker.pro subdomain and adding your own logo and favicon there.

Need help to set up Sitechecker on your own domain name?

Request a demo

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